
Christmas came (a day) early.

Went and got the mail and I was SO VERY happy to see my new picks from LockNewbie.  I got a short hook and a bogata to go with my long feeler, and replaced my existing short hook and half diamond  in my carry set.  I am still going to keep my set of bogata from Rai, because how could I not??


This should about do it for me, on a day to day carry-and-practice set.  I can get into a Master 140 in about 20 seconds using the long feeler and my custom tensioner.  Rai’s bogatas will get me into a lock with no security pins in under ten seconds usually. 

The bogata/short hook combo seems to be a great combination for spool and mushroom pins.  They have the same feel, so I can start with the handled bogata to get a false set, and then move to the VERY delicate short hook to pop the lock.

I got Gabrielle a bogata and a ball feeler too – it should work well with her picking style.  And they are RED.  All in all, very happy.

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