After uploading the basic services to Azure early this morning, I felt the need to finish, and actually set up some kind of data storage for the system. After all, the services are only useful if the data is actually accessible, and eventually I plan to resubmit this as my certified app for POINT's ISV certification. So I squandered one of my two storage service keys to Sharp's database in the cloud.
At first blush, this seems straightforward. I logged into the Azure dashboard at and provisioned a new storage services account. This required only a unique name and a description. In exchange, Azure provided me with three endpoints:
- the blob services;
- the queing services; and,
- the table services.
OK, right now I need tables. I am essentially going to move the simple 4 table schema for Sharp into the cloud for this first version - we'll look at sophisticated use of property bags and whatnot at a later date. I have my primary access key; time to move to Visual Studio.